Baby food universe with tableware from Done by Deer

Baby Food Universe

Get a tasty and colourful recipe from the Baby Food Universe cookbook and raise adventurous little eaters with a whole world of flavorful purées and toddler foods

Red Cabbage, Apple and Banana Purée

By @Babyfooduniverse
6 months or older – 4 to 6 meals

Have you ever heard of red cabbage in a purée? While it is not an obvious choice, it certainly adds a distinct flavour and a beautiful purple color that I am sure your little one will enjoy. If you want to raise an adventurous eater, be brave and try a few twists and turns along the way – and this turn is absolutely great. This makes another great topping for porridge.


2 sweet apples
1 cup (90 g) chopped red cabbage
1 banana
1 teaspoon (5 g) fat of choice
Small amount breast milk or formula, for blending (optional)
1. Peel, core, and chop the apples.
2. Steam.Place the chopped red cabbage and apples into a steamer pot. Steam for about 10 minutes or until soft.
3. Peel, slice, and add the banana. Strain the steamed red cabbage and apples into a bowl. Add the banana.
4. Blend it all. A food processor or blender works best here.
5. Cool and serve. Delicious!
Freeze for up to 3 months