how mealtime boosts fine motor skills development

how mealtime boosts fine motor skills development

As your little one explores their world, they’re also building important motor skills. Mealtime is the perfect chance to develop fine motor skills like grasping, holding, and coordinating movements.

From picking up finger foods to using a spoon, these small actions are big steps in your little one’s growth. Let’s explore how feeding helps those tiny hands master essential skills.

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the importance of motor skills in early development

As your little explorer starts to discover the world around them, they begin mastering essential motor skills. When it comes to mealtime, we really want to nurture those fine motor skills.

Here’s how they help your little one:

  • Get a grip on cutlery or finger foods
  • Move food from their plate to their mouth
  • Coordinate hand movements with what they see
  • Build control and dexterity in those tiny hands
Silicone first meal set Done by Deer

how feeding nurtures fine motor skills

When your little one digs into their first meals, they’re not just learning to eat - they’re also on an exciting journey to mastering those important fine motor skills.

Here’s how mealtime helps those tiny hands develop coordination and control.

grasping and holding

In the beginning, your little one will often use a palmar grasp - that’s when they wrap their whole hand around a spoon or a piece of food.

As they gain confidence, they’ll switch to the more refined pincer grasp, using their thumb and forefinger to pick up smaller goodies like peas or cereal.

Encourage them to grab finger foods or hold their own spoon (even if it gets a bit messy). It’s a fun way to support these essential milestones.


Learning to eat with a spoon is a fantastic introduction to hand-eye coordination. Your little one will need to align their hand movements with what they see to guide the spoon toward their mouth.

Sure, there will be spills, but each attempt helps them refine their movements. Over time, they’ll develop a smoother, more controlled spoon-feeding technique.

As little ones grow, they start using both hands during feeding - one hand to hold the bowl and the other to scoop up food.

This development of bilateral coordination is crucial, not just for feeding, but for fun daily tasks like playing and future activities like writing.

Easy grip baby spoons green

encouraging motor skills development during mealtime

Ready to make mealtime a playful adventure that boosts your little one’s motor skills?

Here are some easy and effective tips:

  • Offer finger foods: Let them explore a rainbow of textures and shapes to encourage that pincer grasp.

  • Let them hold cutlery early: Give your little chef a spoon or fork, even if they can’t quite feed themselves yet. It’s all about practicing grip and coordination.

  • Introduce child-sized utensils: Choose cutlery that fit comfortably in their little hands to help them gain more control.

  • Encourage independent eating: Support your little one’s independence by letting them feed themselves. It’s a great way for them to practice their skills and build confidence.

  • Make mealtime fun: Turn eating into a delightful experience. Offering a variety of textures and colours keeps mealtime exciting and motivates them to practice their motor skills.

Foodie plate green with Croco

Mealtime isn’t just about eating - it’s a key moment for your little one to develop their fine motor skills and build confidence.

By offering finger foods, child-sized cutlery, and plenty of opportunities for independent eating, you’re helping them grow and learn, one bite at a time.

So embrace the mess, and enjoy watching those tiny hands master new skills.

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