For grown-ups a stuffed animal is usually just that, but for most kids a soft toy can be something very unique.
Most children will at some point form a very special bond with a particular comfort object, whether it’s a comfort blanket a favourite toy or a stuffed animal, your child will feel really attached to it, and even insist on bringing the toy everywhere
When that happens it’s much more than just play.
soft toys for comfort
The soft toy provides your child with a sense of love, security and comfort, feelings only fulfilled earlier on by mom and dad.
It usually happens when your child begins to explore the world and this object will help your child to feel brave and practice being more independent and social as well as preparing your child for new friends.
All things that can reduce separation anxiety.

Choosing the right stuffed animal for your child
If you’re looking to give your child a new first-friend or just want to add to your child’s collection of stuffed animals you might want to consider these things before buying:
Does your child have a favourite animal?
Choosing a stuffed animal that looks like you child’s favourite animal might play a part in your child’s love for and connection to the plush animal.
Should the plush animal have a specific colour?
Plush toys come in a variety of colours, so you might want to consider if your child have a favourite colour and shop that exact colour.
Or is it important that the colour look like the real-life animal colour or is it fun if for instance Croco the crocodile is powder and not green?
What about the size of the stuffed animal?
As with colour, stuffed animals come in different sizes.
For newborns tiny, stuffed animals are preferred as they can grab them more easily with their tiny hands.
For toddlers, larger plush animals might be fun to play with, lay on and cuddle with during bedtime.
Find your Done by Deer stuffed animal
The Done by Deer universe is created around such stuffed animals, the Deer friends : Birdee, Lalee, Zebee, Raffi, Croco, Ozzo, Antee, Elphee, Nozo, and the Sea friends: Jelly and Wally, who all wander in and out of the products.
The Deer friends are all really good at being cuddly and keeping secrets, and they are all waiting to become your child's new best friend.
See our selection of cute cuddle toys which range from tiny ones, which are perfect first-toys for your baby to extra large ones for BIG cuddles.
See the whole collection of stuffed animals here >