Silicone tableware from Done by Deer

Fun and practical silicone tableware

Turn any meal into a festive feast with our clever silicone tableware. Let an array of colours and Deer friends add excitement to everyday meals.
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Our silicone tableware is soft, durable and practical. With natural anti-slip and easy grip, inside rounded edges to support easy scooping and a heat-resistant material, this will soon be an everyday favourite.

Fun and practical silicone tableware from Done by Deer

Silicone tableware is suitable for use in the oven, microwave, freezer and dishwasher.

Boy eating cake with silicone plate in blue from Done by Deer

Practical sillicone plates in 6 different cool colours with a Deer friend each - ready to make eating fun.

Practical silicone plates in colours from Done by Deer

The silicone mini mug is designed to give little ones a steady grip, when practicing their drinking skills. Available in 5 festive colours. 

Practical and anti-slip silicone mini mugs from Done by Deer in colours



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cute stuff from this blog

Silicone mini mug - Green
Sale price£10.00
Silicone bib - Deer friends - Powder
Sale price£7.00 Regular price£9.33

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