Activity toys for baby and toddler in kids room

Activity toys for baby & toddler

It’s all fun and games with these favourite toys that both delight and excite little ones.

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In the beginning it may seem like little ones only sleep, eat and repeat, but as they grow older their interest for the world around them grow as well. This is a great time to introduce fun and educational toys to keep them entertained.

Done by Deer kids room furniture and toys for babies and toddlers

Activity toys for baby

The Done by Deer baby toys are designed to stimulate and develop little ones' visual sense with contrasting colours, stripes and dots. Babies will love to discover their own reflection in a mirror and listen to cute crinkling and rattling sounds. There are also plenty of sensory textures and fun tags to be explored by little fingers.

Done by Deer activity toys in monochrome and neutral colours with deer friends

A free-standing floor mirror will make tummy time a bliss for tiny ones being captivated by their own reflection. A soft activity book is the perfect on-the-go essential for little ones to explore. A thick activity play mat with toys in contrasting colours, all with different stimulating features, will offer an entertaining environment.

Done by Deer activity toys with Deer friends for babies

Done by Deer activity toys in powder for baby and toddler

Fun and educational toys for toddler

Toddlers are fast-learning and full of energy to explore and have fun. They need toys that will challenge, entertain and stimulate them both mentally and physically.

Done by Deer activity toys

Throughout the Done by Deer toys the Deer friends are visible – ready to form a unique bond with exploring toddlers. The Deer friends will spark little ones’ imagination and develop their sense of play, setting up imaginary worlds with a Deer friend as a trusted companion.

Problem solving is something kids practice through play from a young age. Puzzles and sorting boxes are entertaining and can help kids think logically and concentrate on the job ahead. A pull along toy will encourage little ones to stand up and let their imagination run wild, when they take their new best friend for a walk. A dolls bed will inspire little ones to be creative and practice social skills used in everyday life.

Done by Deer activity toys for toddlers

Done by Deer activity toy pull me along Croco crocodile

Done by Deer nursery interior


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